It has been a long time since I've written a blog. At least 4 or 5 years. I think it's time to write one and share some of my thoughts that have been stewing for a while now. This post is based on what I have noticed. Whether wrong or right, it is my opinion, and I hope those of you who read this will read it with an open mind. That it is being written by someone who is broken and is continuously being saved by a great savior Jesus Christ.
Over the past few years as I have been getting older and growing in my walk, I began to see something about myself and people in general. When times get hard or I start feeling a bit depressed, I have a tendency to want to find an escape. This usually takes the form of shutting myself from others emotionally and taking shelter in my own mind.
Once this happens I tend to start paying close attention to the people around me. Nothing creepy. Just when I'm around people I tend to take a back seat and watch and listen more. Listening and watching, I start to pay more attention to the way people act or respond to different situations. Sometimes I read the status' people post on Facebook. One of the things I notice people do, when they start feeling the way I do, is look for some kind of escape. Most people, in my experience the younger generations usually, will take to Facebook and post a status and complain indirectly about someone or something. Sometimes the status is one of the most vicious and hateful feeling messages that comes from the heart. I see other people in my situation run to boyfriends, girlfriends, who ever happens to be their closest friend at the time, alcohol, drugs, sex, or whatever else they think will be an escape from feeling alone or pain. Personally for me, I will either completely shut myself from people as I previously stated, or I will go get by myself, watch endless movies, tv shows, play certain video games depending on my mood, or listen to music. All in a feeble attempt to block out any noise or thoughts to just numb any pain I may have.
One of the biggest lessons I've learned over the years is that people will hurt you. Friends and family will fail you. Co-workers will rub you the wrong way. Bottom line, you will experience failure and pain from someone you trust. I have experienced all these. From friends abusing my friendship to feeling as if I have been let down from people who are in leadership positions in and outside of the church to being let down by family at times. However, if I have learned anything at all in my life it is the fact that God never abandons me. God is always there for me and will never leave me. I can always go to him for anything at anytime. God is the perfect father whose love is endless. I can trust that if I need comfort God will provide it on request and is greater than any issue I may be facing. He has gotten me through everything that has caused me grief and severe emotional pain. Jesus has even told us to come to him! "Come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28. My God never let's me fail! If I fall, He is always there picking me up and comforting me. It is one of the biggest things that keeps me going and reminds me of actually how loved I am by God.
I want to encourage any of you who are hurting right now. You can find rest and peace in God. When I picture God and someone who is hurting deeply, I picture God as a loving father who is picking up his weeping child, holding them tightly and crying with them.